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Election 2020: The Partisan Divide, Polarization, and Social Media
GBH News Forum: An Examination of Political Polarization
The Zombie Election of 2020 Deepens American Partisan Polarization, Prof. Peritz, 11/21/2020
Partisan Media and the 2020 Election | Redefining the Local News Crisis
Digital Technology, Social Media and the 2020 Presidential Election
Social Media and the 2020 U.S. Election
Bridging the Divide 2020, Part 2: Political Polarization in America
Election 2020 Beyond the Talking Points: How Do We Move to Bipartisan Solutions?
Social media and political polarization in America | 60 Minutes
Polarization, Participation, and the Pandemic: The Shaping of the 2020 Election
Lies, Incivility, and the 2020 Election
Social Media Fuels the Political Divide